Warm up
2 Rounds:
150 m row
5/5 DB Snatch
5 Romanian Deadlift
8 Bent over row
10 Straight Arm Banded Lat Pull Downs
Every 1:30 secs x 7 sets
6 Deadstop Deadlifts at 55-60%
— Let the bar come to a complete stop. but do not drop from the top. do it unbroken
15 Minute AMRAP
1 Rope climb | | 3 Burpees knee to chest | 6 KB SDHP
4 Single arm Devils Press [2×22.5/15 kg | 17.5 kg/10 kg | 12.5 kg/7.5 kg)
6 Alt. DB Hang Clean and Jerk
8 Toe to Bar | V-sit up | Sit up
100m Run or 3 laps
Gymnastics StrengthÂ
warm up
2 round
10 hanging leg raise
10 eb romanian deadlift
30 s mountain climber
superset 1
3 set
8 deadlift
10 db benchpress
superset 2
3 set
12 db cuban press
12 wide grip australian pullup
superset 3
3 set (rest 2 min in between)
20 eb back squat
20 eb strict press
10 v ups
10 hand release push up