Warm Up
500 m row
then try every movement 5 reps
“Mako Birthday”
In a team of 2:
33 Rounds For Time
– 3 KB box step-overs (24/16kg)
– 3 KB Swing
– 3 KB Goblet Squat
– 3 Burpees over KB
– 3 Box Jump overs
*One partner works at at time while the other rests, Partners may partition the work as needed.
Time cap 40 mins
Gymnastic Strength
Warm up
2 Rounds
8 Kipping
8 Hollow rock
8 Super man pulse
8 Hollow band pull over
Skill work
Kipping Pull up
*may use band
work for 20mins
Odd Object movement
3-4 Sets
10 m Pike wheel barrow
5 negative pull up
10 Paired wall ball