Chinese New Year Special WOD
Year of the Earth Dog
Part one (Xu)
Every 3 minute for 15 minutes (5 rounds) perform:
3 Push Press + 3 Push Jerks + 3 split Jerks
Rest 3 mins
Part Two (Guo)
5 Rounds for time:
2 Big Dog (1x burpees, 1x toes-through-bar, 1x muscle up, 1x bar dip and 5x air squat)
or 3 Puppy Dog in the bar (1x burpees, 1x pull-up, 1x toes-to-bar, 1x hand-release push upand 5x air squat)
4 Kettlebell Man Makers, 16/12 kg
5 Rounds for time:
Run, 300m
12 GHD Sit-ups