Gymnastic Strength
Week 2 of 4
Leg Day
warm up
2 round
5 pausing back squat
5 goodmorning
5/5 cossack squat
pausing back squat
4 round
6 rep 70% 1 rm
superset 1
3 round
6/6 reverse lunges barbell
12 kb cyclist squat
superset 2
3 round
8 romanian deadlift
20 plate calf raise
tabata wall ball
every 20 secs x 8 set
6 wall ball
Warm up
500 m row
2 rounds of
5 slow deadlift
5 power clean
5 strict press
5/5 Alt. Split Squat Jumps
10 GHD Back extension
Every 1:30 mins x 8 sets
3 Deadlift
*constant at 75-80% of your DL RM
12 Min AMRAP:
2 Power Clean (40/25 kg | 30/20 kg | empty bar)
2 Shoulder to Overhead
2 Box Jump Overs | step up over | air Squat
12/9 Cal Row or 10/8 cal bike/ski
4 Front Squats
4 Shoulder to Overhead
4 Box Jump Overs
12/9 Cal Row or 10/8 cal bike/ski
6 Front Squats
6 Shoulder to Overhead
6 Box Jump Overs
12/9 Cal Row or 10/8 cal bike/ski