Gymnastic Strength
Week 2 of 4
Chest and Shoulder
warm up
2 round
5 ring pushup
5 eb strict press
30 secs handstand hold
bench press
4 round
10 rep
superset 1
3 round
10 incline pushup
10 barbell upright row
superset 2
3 round
6 ring dips or dips
10 barbell skull crusher
tabata plank
every 20 secs x 8 set
Warm up
2 rounds of
5 Burpees
10 PVC Dislocation
5 Strict leg raises
10 Kipping
5 Muscle Snatch
5 OH Squat (pause at bottom)
Snatch Complex
Every 1:30 mins x 8 sets
1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 OH Squat
*start from 50% of your RM
12 Min AMRAP:
4 Lateral Burpees over bar
6 Hang power Snatch (50/30 kg | 40/25 kg | 30/20 kg)
8 Toe to Bar | leg raises | abmat sit up