Gymnastic Strength
Week 1 of 4
Full Body day
warm up
2 round
10 eb thruster
10 pushup
30 secs plank
superset 1
3 round
8 overhead squat
7/7 db one leg deadlift
superset 2
3 round
10 close grip bench
10 arnold press
superset 3
3 round
8 australian pullup
15 band face pull
Warm up
2 rounds of
5 Burpees
10 PVC dislocation
5 Muscle Snatch
3 Paused OH Squat
5 Sotts Press (you may used PVC)
Every 1:30 mins x 8 sets
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch
*start from 50% of your RM
20 Thrusters (40/25 kg)
20 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (40/25 kg)
20 Push Jerks (40/25 kg)
20 Overhead Squats (40/25 kg)
20 Front Squats (40/25 kg)
Start from 0:00 begin with 4 Burpees at the top of each minute
Time cap 15 mins