Gymnastic Strength
Week 3 of 4
Warm up
2 round
10 plate front raise
10 pvc dislocation
5 wide grip pushup
pausing bench press
3 set x 8 reps
superset 1
3 set
10 barbell strict press
8-10 ring dips or dips
superset 2
3 set
8 plate lateral raise
12 db overhead triceps extension
12 diamond pushup
Warm up
500 m row
2 Rounds:
15 secs HS hold
10 Pike push up
5 Barbell RDLs
5 Bradford Press
Pushing Stamina
EMOM 10 mins
Min 1-2: 5 Strict press (light unbroken)
Min 3-4: 3 push press (moderate weight)
Min 5-6: 2 Push jerks (moderate weight)
Min 7-10: 1 Split jerk (heavy)
4 Rounds For Time
5 HSPU | Elevated HSPU | 10 Hand release push up
5 Power Clean (50/35 kg | 35/25 kg | empty bar)
– Rest 1:00 –
3 Rounds For Time
5 Clean and jerks (50/35 kg | 35/25 kg | empty bar)
10 Box Jump over | step up over | air squat
10/8 Cal Row
Time cap 14 mins
*The score is total time to finish the entire workout (including the rest)