Gymnastic Strength
Week 1 of 4
Warm up
2 Sets:
10 Goodmorning
5/5 SA DB Thruster
10 Plate OH sit up
5/5 Single Arm DB Strict Press
Skill work
Push Jerk (Cycling)
*work for 15 mins, learn to receive without moving the feet
Synchro Work
Find a partner, and do together
4 set of
8 Deadlift
8 Front Squat
8 Box Jump over or step up over
8 DB Snatch (Left)
8 DB Snatch (Right)
*pick a weight that you can do continuously with your partner.
Hybrid Cardio
Warm up
2 rounds of
250 m of row
10 burpees
10 Sit up
10 Air squat
For time:
5 – 15 – 25 – 35 – 25 -15 – 5
Cal rows
KB Swing (16/12 kg | 12/8 kg | Plate GTOH 10/5 kg)
KB Box Step up
Time cap 50 mins