Gymnastic Strength
Week 4 of 4
Warm up
2 Sets:
10 Plate Front raise
10 Hanging leg raise
10 Bench Dips
30 secs Mountain climber
Chest/ Upper Day development
Superset 1
3 set of
10-12 Close grip Bench Press
10-12 DB Strict press
Supersets 2
3 sets of
8-10 Dips or ring Dips
8-10 Kipping HSPU or box pike push up
Supersets 3
3 sets of
10 DB Lateral raise
10 DB Front rise
10 Push up
* choose DB/ small plate weight that can do lateral and front raise without dropping
Warm up
2 Rounds:
20 Jumping Jack
5 Inch worm
10 KB Swing
5 burpees
10 alt. box step up
Strength Circuit
EMOM 8 mins
alternating between
10 Double russian KB Swing
5/5 – 8/8 Single KB Box Step up
For time:
30 Alt. DB Snatch (22.5/15 kg | 17.5/10 kg | 12.5/7.5 kg)
25 Box jump over | step up over | Air Squat
20 Toes to bar | Knee to chest | Abmat sit up
15 single arm Devils press
20 Toes to bar
25 Box jump over
30 Alt. DB Snatch
Time cap 15 mins