Gymnastic Strength
Week 1 of 4
Warm up
3 Sets:
15 ring rows
20 secs mountain climber
15 Sit ups
rest 1:00 between sets
Biceps and triceps development
Strict Pull up
30 Strict Pull Ups in as few of sets as possible.
*If you can’t do 8 strict pull ups unbroken, use a band from the beginning. Focus on quality of the movement, and rest max 45 secs between sets
Superset 1
3-4 supersets:
8 Barbell curl with 5 secs lowering
12 Seated DB tricep ext
8/8 Seated leg lift over DB
Supersets 2
3-4 sets of
10 Incline DB Hexpresses
10-15 Hang Muscle clean
10/10 Plate russian twist
Warm up
AMRAP 5 mins:
100 m row
5 Inch worm
10 Scap Pull Ups
5 Push Ups
In 12:00 Complete
3-4 Sets For Quality
3 Wall walk (try to be as control as possible -no sudden movement-)
3 Pullup Negatives (5 secs of lowering)
12 unbroken KB Hang Clean and Jerk (pick your weight)
Every 2:30 x 5 Rounds / No Rest [Adv | Int | Basic]
25 Double Unders | 50 Single unders | 25 Jumping Jack
250/200m Row/ski or 5/4 laps of run
25 Double Unders
AMRAP KB Swing (24/16 kg | 16/12 kg | 12/8 kg)