‘Open 19.1’
AMRAP 15 minutes of:
19 wall-ball shots
19-cal. row
Men throw 9 kg ball to 3 m target
Women throw 6 kg. ball to 2.7 m target
*scaled option
Men throw 6 kg. ball to 3 m. target; Women throw 5 kg ball to 2.7 m target
The First #1 Crossfitter Box in Semarang
‘Open 19.1’
AMRAP 15 minutes of:
19 wall-ball shots
19-cal. row
Men throw 9 kg ball to 3 m target
Women throw 6 kg. ball to 2.7 m target
*scaled option
Men throw 6 kg. ball to 3 m. target; Women throw 5 kg ball to 2.7 m target