“Deck of Card”
Work with two or three partners, but the whole reps are not for shared
Work Your Way Through A Whole Deck Of Cards Using The Values In the Movements Below (e.g.: The 4 of Hearts would be 4 kettlebell swings)
Be sure to shuffle your deck well and Good Luck
Clubs: Pull up
*Ace Clubs : Easy “Grace” (Power Clean and jerks 40/30 kg ; 30 reps)
Diamonds: Push up **
*Ace Diamonds: Light “Isabel” (Power Snatch 30/25 kg; 30 reps)
Spades: Burpees
*Ace Spades : Peaceful “Karen” (60 Wall ball shots 8/6 kg)
Hearts: Kettlebell swings (16/12 kg) **
*Ace Heart: 3 rounds of “Cindy” (5 pull up, 10 push up, 15 air squat)
Joker: 1000m Row or 800 m run
.** Red card Movements are to be unbroken sets. Or it is a Sandbag Carry around the box
- Jack: 11 Reps
- Queen: 12 Reps
- King: 13 Reps
Score is the sum of the reps done in 45 mins. Ace and Joker are valued for 60.